Monday, December 10, 2012

Capture December

I'm blogging again,

I feel like a broken record because I probably said that already lol. I'm not very good on blogging regularly. But I'm going to try in the spirit of the holidays :)

I just love this time of year. The cold {I'm hoping for a white Christmas} and the festivities. Oh almost forgot..................wait for drama! The holidays wouldn't be the holidays without it. If you're caught up in the drama or not there is always drama this time of year :( 

Skipping forward all that

Let's talk Christmas! 

It's my favorite holiday besides my sons birthday, my hubbys, our anniversary and of course, my birthday!

A friend introduced me to something that's called Instagram three months ago. It's an app on your smart phone {iPhone in my case} where you can can free photo-share and your friends can comment. If you want it on twitter, Facebook, email you'll have to do it separately. 

This months photo challenge is called Capture December :) 

For each day of the month you post what is on the list. I'm sorta failing the challenge. I haven't been posting lol :( But I thought I can share some what I have posted on here.

If you like to appreciate, this is what you do: you post this picture {as seen below} on a social site such as Instagram, Facebook, twitter, and of course, Blogging :) Then each day you post a photo. That is about it.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


       I finally graduated from Medical Assistant program June 9th!!! I decided to determine to graduate 5 wkeeks early. It was just in time for the graduation this year. I was super excited! I was done couple days before the graduation ceremony would take place. Since it was so short notice for everyone not many people came. But all that did come, thank you =) After a year I finally graduated!!! Here's a family picture taken at my graduation.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Im finally blogging again...

Hello Readers,
I havent been blogging in a long time. I've been super busy with school and life that Im just so tired of figuring out how this blogging thing works. So complicated.

Anyways, its been a long time and so much has changed. Im almost done with school!!!! So excited! Technically I have 5 months left =( But Im almost done with my 4th term which is the main part and I decided to take additional limited X-ray. I thought since Im not going for Associate degree that limited X-ray would be something extra that the employeers might like me more over other applicants. Hopefully I didnt waste a whole 10 wk term for nothing. Im sacrificing graduating in October instead of May. So after X-ray I have my externship which Im super excited about. I love hands on.

Im actually excited for X-ray. Bones really fascinates me. I absoultely love the show Bones, lol. Im very excited to bring my husband, Viktor for open lab and see how his bones grew together. He broke his finger this winter around christmas cutting down trees. We actually sold alot. Great success except the finger.

Well, thats all for now. Tata!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ryan's First Birthday

I know that Ryan's birthday was four months ago but here are some pictures from his first birthday party on Saturday, September 25, 2010. His official birthday was September 29th. Ryan Viktor was born on September 29, 2009 at 9:15am weighed 6.63 pounds and 19.5 inches long.

Mod Monkey birthday banner that I bought from

Ryan with Grandpa

The kids and candy

All in line chance to hit the pinata
(in the background...moon bounce)
Ryan with Daddy

More toys....

Ryan loves this thing

Baylee & Ryan playing with the new toys

His favorite gift

Opening presents with Ryan

The birthday boy!

We love yummy cake!

Friday, September 10, 2010

My friend, Rae's baby shower

Babies are awesome. Having your first is amazing. When you find out a friend of yours is pregnant you start going literally overboard with shopping. When I found out that my friend was having a girl, I was thrilled. I started shopping right away. I missed her first baby shower that her friends threw her in her hometown due to a death in the family. So by the time she had another I had lots of stuff that I bought. I decided there's something missing... So like any other person that would go and complete the gift with hair clips or baby shoes I decided to make a diaper cake. I put everything I had boughten her; outfit, onesies and blanket. Plus I went out and bought another blanket, fabric material, bottles, ribbon, diapers, pacifiers, and little decorations to make this diaper cake. It was really fun to make it and I had a amazing gift for my friend. Here's some pictures of the diaper cake and few photos from the shower:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ryan's High Chair

I was thinking on getting Ryan a high chair cus he was at that age where he can sit. He already started eating baby food so it was time cus feeding him in his bouncer was really uncomfortable. He could not sit still. My parents came over for Easter and that weekend I was cleaning out the closet and guess what I found in the back of the closet? A High Chair!!! I totally forgot that I got one for the baby shower. Thank-you Cousin Anna. Doesnt he look so cute in his high chair eating a cookie? He loves his high chair cus it means that he gets food and afterwards a treat, a cookie. I dont let him eat by himself but when he eats the cookie he goes wild. It's literally everywhere...

Ryan ~ 6 months


Hi Everyone,
This is my first time blogging so bare with me. I got this idea from my sis in-law who lives few states away. I dont know if anyone would enjoy reading bout my life but Im sure everyone will be interested reading bout all the cute little things that my baby boy Ryan is doing. Enjoy...
